- Virtual Workshop -
How to Write & Publish a Bestselling Book in 90 Days...
The Busy Person’s Guide To Getting It Done In Just 30 Minutes Per Day - Only £47

Tuesday, May 25th

@ 2:00 - 4:00 PM UK Time
What You Will Learn On This 2 Hour Training:
Step 1: Choose Your Topic
The System you can use to rapidly mind map and outline your book in as little as one weekend.
Step 2: Done in 90 Days
You'll be given several ways to crank out a great book in record time - it's easier than you think!.
Step 3: Publish On Amazon
Guarantee you'll get published by partnering with Amazon, and I'll show you how to get into the bestseller list.
This £47 advanced training is limited so act now!
We've created 15 Amazon Bestselling Authors in the last 18 months.  Our normal package to get a bestseller written and published costs £3000.  In this workshop I'm going to show you how it's done for pennies on the pound.
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